PMIP publications
Publications on citeulike
The list of publications is currently maintained on the citeulike web site:
If you notice missing publications (quite likely), read the Submitting publications wiki page.
Publications for the IPCC AR6 WG1
The LAs and CLAs of the AR6-WG1 chapters have drafted their 0 order draft. At the next WG1 meeting in January 2019, they will be revising their current drafts to respond to reviews and to include in their assessments new publications on the current state of knowledge.
We want to prepare a document with all relevant publications since 2013. We need your help for this and we kindly ask you to fill in the short online questionnaire available here:
For each paper you need to prepare:
- The full reference of the paper (mandatory, e.g. Otto-Bliesner, B.L. et al., 2017: The PMIP4 contribution to CMIP6 – Part 2: Two interglacials, Scientific objectives and experimental design of the PMIP4-CMIP6 Holocene and Last Interglacial simulations. Geoscientific Model Development, 10, 3979-4003)
- The DOI (ex :
- A very short summary (one or two sentences) describing the major point of the paper (mandatory, e.g.This paper describes the protocols for the mid-Holocene (6 ka) and Last Interglacial (127 ka) Tier 1 simulations, as well as numerous Tier 2 simulations to assess the sensitivities to prescribed vegetation, ice sheets, freshwater fluxes, and alternative states of orbital forcing. For the first time, the LIG is included for CMIP6 and PMIP4, allowing a multi-model assessment of this important period for testing our knowledge of climate-ice sheet interactions in warm climates.)
- Which chapter(s) the paper could belong to. (mandatory, multiple choices possible, e.g. Chapter 1)